Take full control over when to ask follow-ups
Aftercare generates scores using a combination of large language models and our internal logic. They can be used by the survey programmer to decide under what circumstances they want to ask a follow-up question. See more details on AI follow-up generation on our API documentation
A number between 0 and 100 that represents how completely the response answered the topic question. Responses high in completeness answer the topic question well and with detail. Framed in terms of a human conversation, a high-completeness response would offer little room for a follow-up question whereas a low-completeness response would beg for one or more follow-ups.
A number between 0 and 100 that represents the relevance of the response to the topic question. Responses low in relevance are usually non-answer, gibberish, or just completely unrelated answers. Framed in terms of a human conversation, a low-relevance response would simply not make sense and leave the questioner confused whereas a high-relevance score would make perfect sense.