Platform Pricingnext-gen AI insights

Get started for free or upgrade for additional capabilities


Essentials to run a conversational survey
30 responses / mo
1 seat
Intelligent followup questions, conditional questions, title and closing nodes
Responses & analytics


More responses, powerful features
500 responses / mo
1 seat
Everything from Free +
Chat with your surveys
Advanced split node logic
Priority customer support
AI Survey summaries


Collaborate with your team
2000 responses / mo
5 seats
Everything from Pro +
Single sign-on (SSO)
Share surveys with your team
Premier Slack support - feature roadmap prioritization


Aftercare APIs & custom features
Free white-glove onboarding
AI Follow-up API
AI Data Quality API
AI Coding API
Aftercare's small logo, which is a YC-backed survey company

Don't see what you're looking for?

Book time with the Aftercare team and we can discuss new features or a plan that fits your needs!

Frequently asked questions

Can I change / add branding to Aftercare surveys?


Yes, this is available under our Pro plan.

Do you give refunds?


If the software isn't a right fit within the first 30 days, please contact us and we can help process a refund!